We have simplified the process of purchases on Elfrique. With one or two clicks, transaction is completed.
We have four (4) different products that works differently from each other. Our products include:
- 1. Vote Management System
- 2. 3-Digits USSD Short Code for Voting.
- 3. Event Tickets & Registration System.
- 4. Custom Form Management System.
- 4. Trivia Management System.
- 1. Navigate through the website from the Home Page and click on Voting to go to the voting main page. Scroll through the page to find and select the preferred contest you want to participate in.
- 2. You will find the list of all contestants or nominees or categories when you are on the contest page you want to participate in.
- 3. Use the filter tool to enter the candidate name or candidate number to filter the page or scroll through the page to identify the contestant you want to vote for.
- 4. Click VOTE after you have identified the contestant you want to vote for and enter the number of votes you want to make including your personal details and click on PROCEED.
- 5. The summary page would be called up to help you confirm your details. If it’s a free voting, then the session ends there. But if it’s a paid voting, then the system will ask you to select your preferred mode of payment.
- 6. Select any of the payment options you would love to pay with and complete transactions.
- 7. A receipt of payment would be sent to the email address you provided immediately to your mailbox and votes would reflect immediately.
- 1. From the website home page, click on Event Tickets & Registration to find a list of upcoming events.
- 2. Select the event you are interested in to register or purchase event tickets. Click on the event and read up details about the event before you register for the event.
- 3. If it’s a free event, then click on “REGISTER” and provide your personal registration detail. If it’s a paid event, then you select the ticket type that you want to purchase and click on “BUY TICKETS” and you would be redirected to provide your personal information to complete the purchase order.
- 4. After you have provided your personal information, you would be required to either pay online or offline. For the offline payment option, you can choose to pay when you get to the event venue or you can transfer the money to the provided Elfrique Bank account. For the online payment option, you can use your debit card to pay immediately.
- 5.Once payment is completed, your eTicket receipt would be sent to your mail box and the event organizer would be notified of your payment.
- 1.From the website home page, click on “FORM” to find a list of upcoming events that have listed their forms on our platform.
- 2.Select the event you are interested in to register or purchase event tickets. Click on the event and read up details about the event before you register for the event.
- 3. If the for is free, then click on “REGISTER” and provide your personal registration details. If it’s a paid form, you would be required to either pay online or offline. For the offline payment option, you are to transfer equivalent of the money to the provided Elfrique Bank account. For the online payment option, you are to use your debit card to pay immediately.
- 4. After you have provided your personal information, you would be required to either pay online or offline. For the offline payment option, you can choose to pay when you get to the event venue or you can transfer the money to the provided Elfrique Bank account. For the online payment option, you can use your debit card to pay immediately.
- 5.Once payment is completed, your payment receipt would be sent to your mailbox and the event organizer would be notified of your payment.
- 1.Surf through the website home page and click on Trivia to be re-directed to the trivia home page. Scroll through the trivia home page to select the trivia session you want to participate in.
- 2.Follow the trivia instructions and follow the registration prompt to get registered on the system. Only click on “START TRIVIA” when you are ready. All trivias have their countdown time. And once you start the trivia, you cant stop it.
- 3. For free trivia’s, you will be allowed to submit your answers for free. But for paid trivia’s, you would be required to pay a fee to be allowed to submit your trivia answers.